wHITE LAB - Exploring its facilities -Two day workshop
MDS STUDENTS FROM ADHIPARASAKTHI DENTAL COLLEGE attended a Two Day Workshop at White Lab on 16/05/2024 , 17/05/2024
26th IPS PG Convention at Saveetha Dental College
April -5,6,7- 2024
Saveetha Dental College
A part of pre-conference session held at White Lab on 05-04-2024 by Indian Prosthodontic Society Tamil Nadu & Puducherry Branch Hosts 26th IPS PG Convention at Saveetha Dental College
NanoVIP Training and Demonstration
NanoVIP® 100 & 300
NanoVIP® 100 & 300 are diverse, fully automated systems for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), in situ hybridization (ISH), and miRNA ISH. Its reliable automation combined with eXACT™ temperature modules and liquid level sensors for accurate liquid handling ensures robust and reproducible results.
The All-in-One system can run 10 (NanoVIP® 100) & 30 (NanoVIP® 300) different protocols simultaneously, making new protocol optimization easier. This instrument can simplify a complex 33-step manual FISH protocol and reduce it to 3simplesteps: load slides, select protocol, and view completed slides. The NanoVIP® software is an intuitive easy-to-use software that creates and stores user-defined protocols. With quality engineered hardware, unparalleled software capabilities, and multifunctional yet compatible, the NanoVIP® remains an ideal choice for both clinical and research laboratories

Celebrating National Science Day
We invite you all to the Celebration of National Science Day held in our campus on 28th February 2023.
With our Guest Lectures and Workshops, Join hands in celebrating our National Science Day

Seminar on X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Its Applications in Material Science Research
White Lab - Material Research Centre, Saveetha Dental College. organized a seminar on the topic “X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Its Applications in Material Science Research” on 20th January, 2023 at 01.30 PM in Decennial Hall, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals.
The Seminar was attended by 42 participants including Researchers, PhD scholars, Faculty members from across the departments.
Dr. Jayalakshmi Somasundaram introduced the speaker to the participants and the lecture was proceeded over by Dr. RAVIKUMAR IYYAMPERUMAL, Application Scientist (BAXS), BRUKER INDIA SCIENTIFIC PVT., LTD. He delivered the lecture on X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Its Applications in Material Science Research. The question-and-answer session was held with the power point presentation by the resource person
International Conference on Recent breakthrough in Materials and Technical Sciences
Organized by
Department of Biomaterials,
Saveetha dental college & Hospital, Chennai

Recent Progressive Use of Atomic Force Microscopy in Biomedical Applications
Greetings from White-Lab.
On behalf of Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, we are organizing a webinar on AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy).
White Lab cordially invites all the Researchers, Students and Faculties to attend the webinar.
Recent Progressive Use of Atomic Force Microscopy in Biomedical Applications
29-08-2022, 11.00am onwards
Dr. Kumaran Shanmugam
Associate Professor,
Department of Biotechnology & Dean Research (in-charge),
Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology(Deemed to be
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
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High end workshop on Advanced techniques in Material Sciences & Molecular medicine
Over the past few years, developments in advanced imaging and machine learning technologies have led to advances in biomedical diagnostic and treatment. This course will be conducted under Accelerate Vigyan scheme intended towards SERB- “Abhyaas” mission to understand about the advanced instrumentation techniques used in molecular medicine including flow cytometry and various molecular diagnostic techniques for young and passionate researchers. This workshop provides the platform to get the hands-on training on instruments. The modern techniques and challenges will be focused in the training module to provide the advanced technical skill within the field of advanced materials characterization and molecular medicine. Moreover, this unique workshop introduces fundamental aspects of molecular biology, immunophenotyping, proteomics and molecular medicine to wide ranging postgraduates and PhD scholars in life sciences, molecular medicine, pharmacy, regenerative medicine, medicine, dentistry etc.
For more details CONTACT:
Green Lab Material Research Centre, SDC&H, Chennai
Call us @ 044 2680 2274
Mail address: greenlab.sdc@saveetha.com

Atomic Force Microscopy: Advanced Topographical and Mechanical characterization
Guest speaker: Dr. Swathi Tha,
Application specialist
Characterization division
Can join us through ZOOM application via the following link:
Guest speaker: Dr. Durgalakshmi dhinasekaran
Assistant professor
Department of physics
Ethiraj college for women, Chennai

Navigating Adhesion Testing : Methods & Recommendations
The program focuses exclusively on Testing methods and Sample preparation guidelines for Adhesive Dentistry.
We can say that today’s Clinical Dental Practice would come to a standstill without Adhesive Dentistry. With so many advances coming up in Adhesive dental products everyday, it is very imperative for the practitioner to choose the right product with the right property.
As a dental fraternity, either as a Practitioner or Researcher, we would like to test certain properties of the adhesives, for which we may not be sure of the testing method or the sample preparation guideline. Having this in mind, this CDE Program is designed to enlighten the audience on the various Testing Methods and Sample Preparation guidelines for Adhesive Dentistry.
About the Speaker - Dr.Deepak Mehta is committed to advancing the art and science of restorative dentistry with a couple of qualifications to his credit. He is Postgraduate in Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics and also completed the Post Graduate Certificate program in Aesthetic Dentistry from Suny Buffalo University, New York & Encode in 2005. He completed his PhD in Dental Materials from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan in 2015. He is an accredited board member of the Indian Academy of Esthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry (IAACD) and a founding member of the International Association of General Dentistry (IAGD). He has been conferred the Diplomat status of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry (ABAD) in the year 2018. He received the Fellowship status of the American Society of Dental Aesthetics in the year 2019.
Navigating Adhesion testing - Methods & Recommendations
The program focuses exclusively on Testing methods and Sample preparation guidelines for Adhesive Dentistry. We can say that today’s Clinical Dental Practice would come to a standstill without Adhesive Dentistry. With so many advances coming up in Adhesive dental products everyday, it is very imperative for the practitioner to choose the right product with the right property.
As a dental fraternity, either as a Practitioner or Researcher, we would like to test certain properties of the adhesives, for which we may not be sure of the testing method or the sample preparation guideline. Having this in mind, this CDE Program is designed to enlighten the audience on the various Testing Methods and Sample Preparation guidelines for Adhesive Dentistry.
About the Speaker - Dr.Deepak Mehta is committed to advancing the art and science of restorative dentistry with a couple of qualifications to his credit. He is Postgraduate in Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics and also completed the Post Graduate Certificate program in Aesthetic Dentistry from Suny Buffalo University, New York & Encode in 2005. He completed his PhD in Dental Materials from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan in 2015. He is an accredited board member of the Indian Academy of Esthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry (IAACD) and a founding member of the International Association of General Dentistry (IAGD). He has been conferred the Diplomat status of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry (ABAD) in the year 2018. He received the Fellowship status of the American Society of Dental Aesthetics in the year 2019.